Happy 2024 cruisers. We have about 1 week left in our fundraising campaign for AVENALUP (Luperon Sailors & Cruisers Association). This is the group of locals and sailors who work together to promote tourism in Luperon, and to give a voice to your concerns, needs, and security in the harbor. In the past year, among other things, AVENALUP worked swiftly to eliminate drastically increased harbor fees for sailors. This is the kind of work we can’t do alone. Having an official group like AVENALUP gives us the influence we need to get things done on your behalf, on a larger scale.
Our priorities for 2024 are to continue advocating for better security in the harbor, clean up the garbage are on the government dock, and continue to hear your other concerns and suggestions.
These things require the time and effort of our dedicated volunteers, but also funds.